Why It’s Important

We don’t just want to send broadcasts.

We want each lead to receiving emails automatically starting from the day they subscribe.

This is incredibly powerful because of how low-effort and low maintenance this is.

Automated emails will stimulate your list and sell for you around the clock. It’s like having salespeople making calls for you all day long.

What to ask / look for

  1. Do you send any automated campaigns to new email subscribers?
  2. Do you have any behavior actions that trigger automated emails?
  3. Tell us about what is currently set up?
  4. Did you hire a professional copywriter/email marketer to set these up?

How to Optimize it to Best Practices

The basic version is to send emails one after another 1-2 days apart to all leads no matter what. This is a great place to start but is not optimized.

To get more advanced you can set up behavior triggers with tools like Kartra where leads will get different emails based on what they do such as visit pages, click links, or watch videos. This can trigger different sequences that are more aggressive or perhaps offer a down-sell if a lead is not taking action.

You want to check in on these email analytics each week and optimize or even remove emails that aren’t performing.

These emails don’t all have to be lengthy, in fact, short emails can be very effective and trigger a behavior. You can even consider including animated gifs.

Tools to Help You

See the previous section